Monday, June 15, 2009

On Maturing

Calling me a mature believer would be a vast overstatement. And I say that being aware that I'm not entirely aware of my faults and shortcomings and struggles. And yet my faith is so much more mature, strong and vibrant than many in the Church. Teaching all that Christ has commanded falls flat in many churches unfortunately. Can the "average Christian" in this age even explain his/her beliefs? Does s/he even know what s/he claims to believe? I'm not arguing that I am any better than others. Instead I see and point out the great chasm that separates the "average Christian", at least in this age and culture, from those who would contend for the faith and teach others and who seek to know and to follow all of Christ's commands. We need to be doing a lot more. Creating multitudes of "infantile" believers is hurting the Church in many ways. False teachers and false prophets draw away people who know no better, and somehow it becomes acceptable doctrine. Do you want a church that is able to be self-sustaining, prepared for growth, teaching truth, evangelizing, baptizing? Equip the members of the body of Christ for the work to which He calls us by the Holy Spirit. What can we do to strengthen and encourage and teach?

Another issue regarding maturity is checking our motivations. Why do you come to church, if you do? Why do you go to a particular church? Is it about Christ? Is it about worship? Is it about a feeling? Is it about the teaching?

Lord, may You build up Your Church and prepare her for Your glorious, triumphant return. May You lead us and teach us; help us to be effective followers and witnesses of Your work. May we be lights in the darkness.

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